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How to get coordinates from wkt MultiPolygon

I have a MultiPolygon list in wkt format and I have to get the coordinates from those points.

Could anyone help me please? Thanks in advance


  • You can use the Shapely Python module to parse WKT geometry and extract the coordinates.

    Try this:

    import shapely.wkt
    shapes = [ 'MULTIPOLYGON (((69.0 41.0, 69.0 41.4, 69.4 41.4, 69.4 41.0, 69.0 41.0)), ((59.0 42.0, 59.0 42.4, 59.4 42.4, 59.4 42.0, 59.0 42.0)))' ]
    for shape in shapes:
      shapelyObject = shapely.wkt.loads(shape)
      for polygon in shapelyObject:
          coords = list(polygon.exterior.coords)


    [(69.0, 41.0), (69.0, 41.4), (69.4, 41.4), (69.4, 41.0), (69.0, 41.0)]
    [(59.0, 42.0), (59.0, 42.4), (59.4, 42.4), (59.4, 42.0), (59.0, 42.0)]