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Fire event with subclass runtime type

I want to fire an event in CDI whose type I can only determine on runtime. For instance, let's say there's some interface A with implementing classes AA and AB. I have two observers:

public void observeAA(@Observes AA aa) {

public void observeAA(@Observes AB ab) {

Then some event producer:

@Inject @Any
private Event<A> event;

public A getPayload();

public void fire() {;

This doesn't work because A is neither a subtype of AA or AB (it's the other way around). I've noticed there's a select method that takes a subtype:

public <U extends T> Event<U> select(Class<U> subtype, Annotation... qualifiers);

However, it requires a correctly parameterized Class object, which (correct if I'm wrong), I can't build at runtime.

Is there any solution or will I have to use qualifiers (possibly an annotation with a Class<?> method)?


  • I ended up using a qualifier with a Class<?> member.

    public @interface EventType {
        Class<?> value();
    public class Dispatcher {
        @Inject @Any
        private Event<A> event;
        public void fireEvent(A a) {
        public static EventType getTypeAnnotation(
                final Class<?> type) {
            return (EventType) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
                    new Class<?>[]{EventType.class},
                    new InvocationHandler() {
                public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method,
                        Object[] args) throws Throwable {
                    if (method.equals(
                            EventType.class.getMethod("value"))) {
                        return type;
                    } else if (method.equals(Annotation.class.getMethod(
                            "annotationType"))) {
                        return EventType.class;
                    } else if (method.getName().equals("hashCode")) {
                        return 127 * "value".hashCode() ^ type.hashCode();
                    } else if (method.getName().equals("equals")) {
                        return (args[0] instanceof EventType &&
                    return null;
    public class X {
        public void observeA(
                @Observes @EventType(AA.class) A a) {


    This is a simpler way of instantiating the annotation:

    public abstract static class ConfigTypeAnnotation
            extends AnnotationLiteral<ConfigType>
            implements ConfigType { }
    public static ConfigType getConfigTypeAnnotation(final Class<?> type) {
        return new ConfigTypeAnnotation() {
            public Class<?> value() {
                return type;