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printf doesn't display my string correctly - why?

here's my code

    int wordSize = 8; // defining a word size

    int *myArray = NULL;
    myArray = malloc(sizeof(char)*(wordSize+1)); // using malloc() so I always have a big enough array should wordSize change. Also to practice.

    int index = 0; // defining a variable to browse through myArray

        myArray[index] = '*';
    while(index < wordSize);

    myArray[wordSize] = '\0'; // filling myArray with '*' character and the null terminator /0

    printf("%s", myArray); // trying to display myArray, only a single '*' is printed


    int i=0;

    while(i < wordSize+1)
        printf("%c", myArray[i]);
    } // trying to display myArray with an other method, this time with success


char string[] = "hello";

    printf("%s", string);

is working perfectly fine, I don't understand why printf("%s", myArray); isn't working and only displays a single *. The do/while loop shows 8 * as expected which means that my array is filled as it should.

EDIT : as asked in the comments, simplified my example as well as tried some solutions and some other possibilities.


  • I think this is the problem.

    int *myArray = NULL;
    printf("%s", myArray);

    You're trying to print an array of integers as if it was a string. I think that, by passing the wrong type of variable to printf(), you're going to invoke undefined behavior. It's also problematic that you only allocated enough memory for wordSize+1 bytes, and then proceeded to write values into the array as if it was big enough for wordSize+1 integers.

    Fix this by changing the definition of myArray:

    char *myArray = NULL;

    The rest of the code, that accesses the members of this array, should now change from writing int values to writing char values. To be clear, I don't think you'll need to change anything. The compiler should do it for you, once myArray is properly defined as an array of char.

    ETA: More on what was happening in the original code.

    Initially, you allocate 9 bytes. This is enough space for slightly more than 2 integers (assuming that sizeof(int) is 4). I'm also assuming that this memory was initially filled with zeroes.

    The memory allocated to myArray looks something like this:

    myArray[0] 00  00  00  00 
    myArray[1] 00  00  00  00
    myArray[2] 00

    Then you go through and store 8 '*' characters in memory, which leaves memory looking like this:

    myArray[0] '*' 00  00  00
    myArray[1] '*' 00  00  00
    myArray[2] '*'

    Note that five more asterisks are written into memory that you do not own. Then a "terminating zero" is written, again outside the memory that was allocated for myArray.

    Then, you pass myArray — meaning, the address of the first byte in myArray — to printf(). You used the %s format specifier, so it's going to print a string. After it prints the first byte (an asterisk), the next byte it sees is a zero, so it stops.

    Finally, you access individual integer members of myArray as if it was an array of eight integers (even though there isn't enough memory even for three). What this means is, the code reads the four bytes corresponding to myArray[0] into a temporary integer, and prints its value as if it was a character (because of the %c format specifier passed to printf()). As the loop continues, later regions of memory are read, including memory that doesn't belong to you. The observed results are that the asterisks are still where you wrote them.

    Note that this is all based on assumptions about your development environment, your target architecture, and so on. The exact mechanism for what you observed is potentially interesting — but it is important to remember that it's all examples of undefined behavior. You should not rely upon it, because in a different system or on a different day the results could be radically different.