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Loading a local file in a remote Lisp with swank/slime

Say that I am connected to a remote Lisp using swank/slime. I have a data file on my local machine on disk or, perhaps, in an emacs buffer. I want to process this file using the remote Lisp.

I can obviously drop out to a shell and scp the file to the server, load the file, process it, close, delete the file so that I don't make a mess on the server.

I can also paste the file into the repl:

> (defparameter *my-file* "[paste file here]")

But this is nasty if the text has quotes in it or the file is binary.

Both options are cumbersome.

Is there a nice way to get the local emacs to tunnel a file to the remote Lisp so that the remote Lisp can open it as a stream?

I'm picturing something like:

> (swank:with-open-client-file (s #p"/path/to/local/file") ... )

Edit: This example feels like it could open some holes in my local file system. Could it be done without causing serious security problems?


  • The Emacs-side of the setup could start an HTTP server that restricts which files are published. It looks like it is possible to do it in Emacs directly (e.g.

    The remote part could then obtain streams with drakma or dexador.

    This does not rely on Slime/swank.

    Alternatively, you can call eval-in-emacs to execute an Emacs Lisp form that would return a string containing the content of the file. You can write a custom function in Emacs to grant access or not to the files.

    For example, an unsafe version is as follows:

    (defun get-file (filename)
        (insert-file-contents filename)


    CL-USER> (swank:eval-in-emacs '(get-file "/etc/passwd"))

    The above requires Slime to be configured so that eval-in-emacs is enabled.

    Once this works, you can write a helper function:

    (defun call-with-open-client-file (function file)
      (with-input-from-string (stream (swank:eval-in-emacs `(get-file ,file)))
        (funcall function stream)))

    And a macro:

    (defmacro with-open-client-file (var name &body body)
      `(call-with-open-client-file (lambda (,var) ,@body) ,name)