how can I persist Kotlin inspection settings in file .editorconfig in IteliiJ IDEA so that I could share them with a team through git?
Exact settings name is:
Editor > Inspections > Kotlin > Style issues > Accessor call that can be replaced with property access syntax
I'd like to change it's Severity level.
I tried to follow
but with no luck.
How exactly should .editorconfig entry look like for that settings and where can I find full list of property keys?
Thanks in advance!
Inspections have nothing common with .editorconfig
Editorconfig is about Code Style (Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Kotlin)
All the styles could be exported via this button:
There are too many options to describe them all. That is why export is easier. General options could be found at
Inspections are IDE-specific. And they can be exported/imported to an XML file via this button:
But there is no possibility to export an individual inspection. Instead, you can create a project-wide inspections profile with your team and use it across.
You can share the inspection profile along with the project. Just add this file to your project's VCS: .idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml