Today I faced a strange behavior in a headless driven print server (RaspPi / python3).
I need to download both, either PDFs or rendered python scripts, from a web server. Until now I did use:
src = "https://ssl.server.tld/path/to/file.pdf"
target = "/path/to/saved.pdf"
os.system("wget -O "+target+" "+src)
From now on I use:
with urllib.request.urlopen(src) as response, open(target, 'wb') as out_file:
data =
Here's the question:
Since a couple of days obviously the SSL certificate is outdated.
The os.system()
version throws a NON-PYTHON ERROR
Auflösen des Hostnamen »ssl.***.de (ssl.***«... 176.***.***.10
Verbindungsaufbau zu ssl.***.de (ssl.***.de)|176.***.***.10|:443... verbunden.
FEHLER: Dem Zertifikat von »ssl.***.de« wird nicht vertraut.
FEHLER: Das Zertifikat von »ssl.***.de« ist abgelaufen.
As I mentioned, there is no python error or exception, the file I want is being downloaded, but with a size of 0 bytes. Only the debugger shows the text quoted above in the console output.
The urllib
version runs as desired, without errors, without console output, and with the correct file.
What am I missing ? Is this a special security behavior of os.system()
Thanks for your answers.
As you can tell, wget
is verifying the certificate while urlopen
If you want wget
to skip checking the certificate, add the argument --no-check-certificate