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How to resolve types into a primitives in AST parser

I want to extract signatures of functions to be able generate some wrapper methods over them. For this, I'm using which provides me a possibility to read AST.

For example, for the function func MyFunc(param int) definition, you receive some

    Type: *FieldList{
        List: []*Field{
                Names: []*Ident{ /*...*/ },
                Type:  nil, /*...*/

Where Type represents a type.

I want to generate some special code for all int parameters, but int can be also hidden with some type declaration

type MyType int

How can I convert ast type to the real one that the compiler has?


  • Add packages.NeedTypes and packages.NeedTypesInfo to the load mode. With that each loaded package will have its TypesInfo field initialized, and that field's type *types.Info has a field called Types which maps ast expressions to types. You can use that in the following way:

    func main() {
        loadConfig := new(packages.Config)
        loadConfig.Mode = packages.NeedSyntax | packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedTypesInfo
        loadConfig.Fset = token.NewFileSet()
        pkgs, err := packages.Load(loadConfig, "syscall")
        if err != nil {
        for _, pkg := range pkgs {
            for _, syn := range pkg.Syntax {
                for _, dec := range syn.Decls {
                    if fd, ok := dec.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok && fd.Name.Name == "Kill" {
                        x1 := fd.Type.Params.List[0].Type // int
                        x2 := fd.Type.Params.List[1].Type // syscall.Signal
                        tv1 := pkg.TypesInfo.Types[x1]
                        tv2 := pkg.TypesInfo.Types[x2]
                        if basic, ok := tv1.Type.(*types.Basic); ok {
                            fmt.Printf("%#v\n", basic) // int
                        if named, ok := tv2.Type.(*types.Named); ok {
                            fmt.Printf("%v\n", named.Obj())         // *types.TypeName (Signal)
                            fmt.Printf("%#v\n", named.Underlying()) // *types.Basic (int)