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python multiprocessing while listing the files and extract data from list?

I've multiple files in a directory. I want to extract data from every file and to perform this task, I want to involve python-multiprocessing. In the following piece of code if 'filelist' contain single element then 'my_result' gives the value of 'np_array_list' but when 'filelist' contains multiple element then 'my_result' does not give any result. What is the problem with the 'filelist' or 'filename_arg'? Can anyone suggest the solution?

import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
path = 'C:\\Users\\sys\\PycharmProjects\\MPtest\\*.gwf'
filenames = [os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob(path)]
filelist= sorted(filenames, key=lambda x: float(re.findall("(\d+)", x)[0]))
channelslist = ["VALUE_" + str(int(n)) for n in np.linspace(201, 234, 34)]
rows = 500000
cols = len(channelslist)  # No. of channels involved in the measurement
sensdataarray = np.zeros((rows, cols))
np_array_list = []

def myfunc(filename_arg):
    for inumber, iname in enumerate(channelslist):
        sensdataarray[:, inumber] = framel.frgetvect(filename_arg, iname, verbose=False)[0]
    return np_array_list
# MP
print("no of CPUs:", mp.cpu_count())
if __name__ == '__main__':
  pool = mp.Pool()

  my_result =, filelist) 
# when 'filelist' contain single element then 'my_result' gives the value of 'np_array_list' 
#but when 'filelist' contains multiple element then 'my_result' does not give any result!!
  print('My result is :', my_result)


  • Initialize sensdataarray in your function and just return it.

    import numpy as np
    import multiprocessing as mp
    path = 'C:\\Users\\sys\\PycharmProjects\\MPtest\\*.gwf'
    filenames = [os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob(path)]
    filelist= sorted(filenames, key=lambda x: float(re.findall("(\d+)", x)[0]))
    channelslist = ["VALUE_" + str(int(n)) for n in np.linspace(201, 234, 34)]
    rows = 500000
    cols = len(channelslist)  # No. of channels involved in the measurement
    def myfunc(filename_arg):
        sensdataarray = np.zeros((rows, cols))
        for inumber, iname in enumerate(channelslist):
            sensdataarray[:, inumber] = framel.frgetvect(filename_arg, iname, verbose=False)[0]
        return sensdataarray
    # MP
    print("no of CPUs:", mp.cpu_count())
    if __name__ == '__main__':
      pool = mp.Pool()
      my_result =, filelist) 
    # when 'filelist' contain single element then 'my_result' gives the value of 'np_array_list' 
    #but when 'filelist' contains multiple element then 'my_result' does not give any result!!
      print('My result is :', my_result)

    Besides, if your script has an error subprocesses may not be joined and may be left in the background. Either use a try/finally clause to guarantee that the pool is joined or you can use the parmap module:

    import glob
    import os
    import re
    import framel
    import parmap
    import numpy as np
    def myfunc(filename_arg, rows, channelslist):
        cols = len(channelslist)
        sensdataarray = np.zeros((rows, cols))
        for inumber, iname in enumerate(channelslist):
            sensdataarray[:, inumber] = framel.frgetvect(filename_arg, iname, verbose=False)[0]
        return sensdataarray
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        path = 'C:\\Users\\sys\\PycharmProjects\\MPtest\\*.gwf'
        filenames = [os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob(path)]
        filelist= sorted(filenames, key=lambda x: float(re.findall("(\d+)", x)[0]))
        channelslist = ["VALUE_" + str(int(n)) for n in np.linspace(201, 234, 34)]
        my_result =, filelist, rows=500000, channelslist=channelslist)
        print('My result is :', my_result)