I am using the Gene AI package in python for testing genetic algorithm (https://github.com/diogomatoschaves/geneal/blob/master/geneal/genetic_algorithms/genetic_algorithm_base.py).
I want my own fitness function so i wrote
def my_fitness(chromosome):
fitness = mean_absolute_percentage_error(chromosome, [0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5])
return fitness
And then followed the documentation and wrote below code:
from geneal.genetic_algorithms import ContinuousGenAlgSolver
from geneal.applications.fitness_functions.continuous import fitness_functions_continuous
solver = ContinuousGenAlgSolver(
problem_type=float, # Defines the possible values as float numbers
variables_limits=(-10, 10) # Defines the limits of all variables between -10 and 10.
# Alternatively one can pass an array of tuples defining the limits
# for each variable: [(-10, 10), (0, 5), (0, 5), (-20, 20)]
Its not clear how i can use my own fitness function. getting error that chromosome not defined (obviously!). how to use my own fitness function with this package. please show.
A fitness function has 2 requirements:
It must get passed one and only one argument - the chromossome. The chromossome is an numpy array of 1's and 0's if it's the binary genetic algorithm solver, or an numpy array of numbers between 0 and 9 if it's the continuous genetic algorithm solver. The size of this array is defined by the number of genes you initialize the solver with, and each position on the array corresponds to a different variable.
It must return a real number.
The inner workings of this function are up for you to decide. And then you pass it to the object during initialization such as:
from geneal.genetic_algorithms import ContinuousGenAlgSolver
from geneal.applications.fitness_functions.continuous import fitness_functions_continuous
solver = ContinuousGenAlgSolver(
problem_type=float, # Defines the possible values as float numbers
variables_limits=(-10, 10) # Defines the limits of all variables between -10 and 10.
# Alternatively one can pass an array of tuples defining the limits
# for each variable: [(-10, 10), (0, 5), (0, 5), (-20, 20)]
I suggest you look at the examples provided in the package to get a better idea of how to define a custom fitness function: examples