We have a database that creates a new table for each new day. The naming of the tables follows this pattern: History_tbl_[year]_[month]_[day]. A sample name of the tables for the last 5 days for example is:
My goal is to be able to query all the tables from a given date range at once. I can manually select the tables with union all, but it takes lots of time especially if I want to do a long date range. Is there a better way to solve this?
Note: Unfortunately, I don't have the privilege to change the structure and make all data being stored in a single table.
One bare-bones method to generate a list of unioned queries and dynamically execute them would be as follows, tweak as necessary:
declare @from date='20211001', @to date='20211004', @sql nvarchar(max)='';
with d as (
select DateAdd(day, number, @from) dt
from master..spt_values
where type = 'P'
and DateAdd(day, number, @from) <= @to
select @sql=String_Agg(qry,' ')
from (
select 'select col1, col2, col3 from History_tbl_'
+ Concat(Year(dt),'_',Right(Concat('0',month(dt)),2),'_', Right(Concat('0',Day(dt)),2))
+ Iif( dt=Max(dt) over() ,'', ' union all') qry
from d
) x
exec sp_executesql @sql
Note that the CTE generates the date range on the fly, ideally you would use a permanent calendar table