I have this code that pulls multiple elements from the 'fruits' array and it does it for all the 'stores' in the database:
{ },
{ $pull: { fruits: { $in: [ "apples", "bananas" ] } } },
{ multi: true }
How can I transfer this to C# code using .Net Driver?
method should be used from namespace MongoDB.Driver IMongoCollection
but I don't know how to do the specific filtering.
Mongo .NET driver support scripting with untyped document (BsonDocument
Update many documents, equivalent to
{ multi: true }
You can achieve as below:
MongoClient _client = new MongoClient("mongo connection string");
IMongoDatabase _database = _client.GetDatabase("your DB");
IMongoCollection<Store> _collection = _database.GetCollection<Store>("store");
string[] removedFruits = new string[] { "apples", "bananas" };
FilterDefinition<Store> filter = Builders<Store>.Filter.Empty;
UpdateDefinition<Store> update =
new BsonDocument("$pull",
new BsonDocument("fruits",
new BsonDocument("$in", BsonArray.Create(removedFruits))
_collection.UpdateMany(filter, update);
public class Store
public string[] Fruits { get; set; }
// Other properties