I'm looking for a simple script for a Google Docs add-on that will highlight words held in an array. I want the script to auto-highlight the words as I type. Is this simple enough?
Based on Can I color certain words in Google Document using Google Apps Script?
function highlight_words() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var words = ['one','two','three'];
var style = { [DocumentApp.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR]:'#FFFF00' };
var pgfs = doc.getParagraphs();
for (var word of words) for (var pgf of pgfs) {
var location = pgf.findText(word);
if (!location) continue;
var start = location.getStartOffset();
var end = location.getEndOffsetInclusive();
location.getElement().setAttributes(start, end, style);