I have some functionality which is highlighted in a separate file functionality.c. The code in this file reads thresholds which are in functionality.h:
unsigned int thresold1[2];
unsigned int thresold2[2];
void *watcher(void *);
Also I have main.c file, where I'm trying to configure these thresholds:
#include "functionality.h"
int main(void) {
/* ... */
int ret;
pthread_t watcher_thread;
thresold1[0] = 10;
thresold1[1] = 50;
ret = pthread_create(&watcher_thread, NULL, watcher, NULL);
if (ret) {
/* ... */
/* ... */
But when I'm trying to access these thresholds in watcher()
from functionality.c all these array values are zeroed, i.e. undefined. Where am I wrong?
P.S. functionality.h is also included to functionality.c
UPD: I compile it such a way:
gcc -pthread main.c functionality.c -o main
Variable should be declared in the header file as:
extern unsigned int thresold1[2];
extern unsigned int thresold2[2];
and defined in a unique point (.c
file) as:
unsigned int thresold1[2];
unsigned int thresold2[2];