Is there something wrong with my code that caused vscode
to have no correct tip?
* @param {...Object} elementList
* @param {string} elementList[].type
function add(...elementList) {
// vscode tip: elementList is (parameter) elementList: any[]
// expect: elementList is {type: string;}[] => e)
// use
add({ type: 'div' }, { type: 'h1' })
You want the format @param {type} parameterName
, e.g.
* @param {{type: string}[]} elementList
function add(...elementList) { => e)
// ^^^^^^^^^^^ (parameter) elementList: {type: string}[]
Alternatively, you can create re-usable type definitions with JSDoc:
// Define an Object type named MyElement with one property (type) of type string.
* @typedef {Object} MyElement
* @property {string} type
* @param {MyElement[]} elementList
function add(...elementList) { => e)
// ^^^^^^^^^^^ (parameter) elementList: MyElement[]