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How to convert scala code block to string?

I need to implement a testing function which checks compile-time error information for the "splain" plugin, part of this function needs to convert a codeblock into a string, e.g.:

def convert(fn: => Unit): String

// for testing

val code = convert {
  object I extends Seq {}

assert(code == "object I extends Seq {}")

Is this possible using standard scala features? Thanks a lot for your advice.

This function will enable verifications of compile-time messages of complex code that needs to be indexed and refactored by IDE often


  • Yes, it's possible.

    Li Haoyi's macro Text from sourcecode

    def text[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Compat.Context)(v: c.Expr[T]): c.Expr[sourcecode.Text[T]] = {
      import c.universe._
      val fileContent = new String(v.tree.pos.source.content)
      val start = v.tree.collect {
        case treeVal => treeVal.pos match {
          case NoPosition ⇒ Int.MaxValue
          case p ⇒ p.startOrPoint
      val g = c.asInstanceOf[reflect.macros.runtime.Context].global
      val parser = g.newUnitParser(fileContent.drop(start))
      val end =
      val txt = fileContent.slice(start, start + end)
      val tree = q"""${c.prefix}(${v.tree}, $txt)"""

    does almost what you want:

    def convert[A](fn: => Text[A]): String = fn.source
    convert(10 + 20 +
    //10 + 20 +
    //  30


    if you have multiple statements in a {} block, sourcecode.Text will only capture the source code for the last expression that gets returned.

    And since { object I extends Seq {} } is actually { object I extends Seq {}; () } the macro will not work in this case.

    So let's write our own simple macro

    import scala.language.experimental.macros
    import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
    def convert(fn: => Any): String = macro convertImpl
    def convertImpl(c: blackbox.Context)(fn: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
      import c.universe._
      val pos = fn.pos
      val res = new String(pos.source.content).slice(pos.start, pos.end)


    trait Seq
    convert {
      val i: Int = 1
      object I extends Seq {}
      10 + 20 + 30
    //    val i: Int = 1
    //    object I extends Seq {}
    //    10 + 20 + 30
    //    convert(1)
    //  }

    Notice that arguments of def macros are typechecked before macro expansion (so convert { val i: Int = "a" }, convert { object I extends XXX } without defined XXX, convert { (; } etc. will not compile).