so basically this is my provider, what i want is how can i store the model data coming from provider to a shared preferences, and then how to decode it to show it in a bookmark page?
class bookmark extends ChangeNotifier{
int _count = 0;
List<bookmarkModel> bookM = [];
void addCount(){
void addItems(bookmarkModel i){
int get count => _count;
List<bookmarkModel> get bookMList => bookM;
here is my model:
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
class bookmarkModel{
String title;
String subtitle;
int num;
bookmarkModel({this.title, this.subtitle, this.num});
bookmarkModel.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic> json) :
title = json['title'],
subtitle = json['sutitle'],
num = json['num'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson()=>{
'num': num
should only be used to store small and simple values. It's not meant to be used as a Database.
You can use sharedPreferences
to store bool
, String
, int
and simple List
s (not lists of objects or maps). As far as I know, it even cannot store doubles
Try using a SQflite or Hive (No-SQL) to store more complex or extensive data locally.