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Terraform output in python script

All, I am new to Terraform and have few question. So terraform file is creating redshift cluster and there are python scripts in a different directory (same project) that needs to use the output of jdbc url. Wondering how we can use that dynamically in the Python code. In CI/CD both will run together and output of newly created redshift url must be used as next DAG which is a python file. Thanks


  • Without knowing your specific CI/CD environment, and without knowing if you are running these in the same CI/CD step or in separate steps, it is difficult to give an exact answer. Here are some general suggestions:

    You could set the Terraform output value as an environment variable, that is then read by the Python script, like:

    export MY_OUTPUT_VARIABLE=$(terraform output my_output_variable)

    Or you could configure your Python script to take it as an input argument, like:

    python --input-var $(terraform output my_output_variable)

    Or you could pipe the Terraform output to a file, which could be helpful if you are running Terraform and Python as separate CI/CD steps. Then the Python script could read the file directly, or you could wrap it in a shell script that reads the value from the file and passes it as input or an environment variable to the Python script, for example:

    terraform output my_output_variable > terraform_output

    then later:

    python --input-var $(cat terraform_output)