I am trying to implement the softmax function in pytorch, but cant get the output of my implementation to match the output of pytorch's implementation.
I am trying to do this because I would like to go on to implement a masked softmax that would not include certain indices in the sum for the denominator, and set the output for those masked indexes.
I would like to calculate this for a matrix where each row in the output sums to 1. My current implentation is :
def my_softmax(x):
exp = x.exp()
return exp / exp.sum(1, keepdim=True)
However the output isnt the same for my implementation and pytorch's:
>>> t = torch.randn(3, 2)
>>> t
tensor([[-1.1881, -0.1085],
[ 0.5825, 1.0719],
[-0.5309, -1.3774]])
>>> my_softmax(t)
tensor([[0.2536, 0.7464],
[0.3800, 0.6200],
[0.6998, 0.3002]])
>>> t.softmax(1)
tensor([[0.2536, 0.7464],
[0.3800, 0.6200],
[0.6998, 0.3002]])
>>> my_softmax(t) == t.softmax(1)
tensor([[False, True],
[False, False],
[ True, True]])
Why do these different implementations produce different results?
This works
import torch
def my_softmax(x):
means = torch.mean(x, 1, keepdim=True)[0]
x_exp = torch.exp(x-means)
x_exp_sum = torch.sum(x_exp, 1, keepdim=True)
return x_exp/x_exp_sum
t = torch.randn(3, 2)
s1 = my_softmax(t)
s2 = t.softmax(1)
print(torch.allclose(s1, s2))
P.S. taken from discussion https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/how-to-implement-the-exactly-same-softmax-as-f-softmax-by-pytorch/44263