I'm trying to help my wife out with reviewing documents for work - the paragraphs of notes have different catagories that I am trying to extract as seperate strings to save to a different text file so that I can do other things to them later. An example paragraph is:
Observations of Client Behavior: Overall interfering behavior data trends are as followed: THIS IS THE DESIRED TEXT. Observations of Client's response to skill acquisition: Overall skill acquisition data trends ....
and Im trying to extract just the text between "Overall interfering behavior data trends are as followed:" to right before "Observations of Client's response to skill acquisition:"
I've experimented with regex with no success, any help in direction would be much appreciated, thanks!
Taken reference from this post Regular expression to return all characters between two special characters
import re
file = open("filename.txt", "r") # Insert the file name here
pat = r'.*?Overall interfering behavior data trends are as followed:(.*)Observations of Client\'s response to skill acquisition:.*'
match = re.search(pat, line)
for line in file:
Gives output