I have a panel time series data of the following type with multiindex, country ID
and year
arrays = [['country i', 'country i', 'country i', 'country j', 'country j', 'country j', 'country e'],
tuples = list(zip(*arrays))
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["country ID", "year"])
dfx = pd.Series(np.random.randn(7), index=index)
country ID year
country i 1999 0.572030
2000 1.736893
2001 -1.213016
country j 1999 0.167581
2000 -1.178015
2001 -1.470233
country e 2000 1.298953
dtype: float64
And I want to drop, for example, all those country IDs that has less than 2 observations. How can I filter the dataframe so that there are no country ID with observations less than 2. In the above example, country e
should be dropped from the dataset.
Thank you beforehand!
One approach is:
mask = dfx.groupby(level=0).transform("count") >= 2
country ID year
country i 1999 -1.259176
2000 0.123215
1999 0.899501
country j 2000 -0.111309
1999 2.260785
2000 -0.460683
dtype: float64