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Is there an IN operator for Power Automate Odata List Rows - Filter Rows expression

What is the syntax of a Filter Expression for the DataVerse List Rows component, using a comparison similar to the SQL IN Statement.

I have tried things such as

name in ('name1','name2')

with no luck.


  • Use function Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.In(PropertyName='name',PropertyValues=['name1','name2']).

    E.g. when you need to select accounts by accountnumber, the query would look like this:


    FetchXml operators not natively supported in oData are modeled as query functions structured like this: Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OperatorName(PropertyName='logicalname', PropertyValues=[value1, value2, ...]).

    So these options are also available:


    Note: query filter function names are case sensitive!

    The complete list can be found on MS Docs - Web API Query Function Reference.