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Apply function to numpy matrix dependent on position

Given a 2-d numpy array, X, of shape [m,m], I wish to apply a function and obtain a new 2-d numpy matrix P, also of shape [m,m], whose [i,j]th element is obtained as follows:

P[i][j] = exp (-|| X[i] - x[j] ||**2)

where ||.|| represents the standard L-2 norm of a vector. Is there any way faster than a simple nested for loop?

For example,

X = [[1,1,1],[2,3,4],[5,6,7]]

Then, at diagonal entries the rows accessed will be the same and the norm/magnitude of their difference will be 0. Hence,

P[0][0] = P[1][1] = P[2][2] = exp (0) = 1.0


P[0][1] = exp (- || X[0] - X[1] ||**2) = exp (- || [-1,-2,-3] || ** 2) = exp (-14)


The most trivial solution using a nested for loop is as follows:

import numpy as np
X = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
P = np.zeros (shape=[len(X),len(X)])
for i in range (len(X)):
    for j in range (len(X)):
        P[i][j] = np.exp (- np.linalg.norm (X[i]-X[j])**2)
print (P)

This prints:

P = [[1.00000000e+00 1.87952882e-12 1.24794646e-47]
    [1.87952882e-12 1.00000000e+00 1.87952882e-12]
    [1.24794646e-47 1.87952882e-12 1.00000000e+00]]

Here, m is of the order of 5e4.


  • As hpaulj mentioned cdist does it better. Try the following.

    from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
    import numpy as np

    Notice the sqeuclidean. This means that scipy does not take the square root so you don't have to square like you did above with the norm.