Let's say I want to create a VSCode snippet for a typescript interface, one that looks like this:
interface MyInterface{
prop1: string;
prop2: string;
prop3: string
Now I could just create the following snippet:
"myinterface": {
"prefix": "myinterface",
"body": [
"interface MyInterface{ ",
" prop1: string; ",
" prop2: string;",
" prop3: string",
"description": "not smart interface creator"
But what if I wanted to have a prop4
, prop5
, or prop6
in my interface? Is there anyway to conditionally extend the snippet, so that by hitting Tab
I would be prompted to add another prop field to the interface with the format ${1:propX}: ${2:string};
Another use case is writing out an array:
const myArray = [val1, val2, val3]
I don't think there is any way to directly do what you want. But you can come pretty close with method 2 below.
"PS3": {
"prefix": "ps3",
"body": [
"interface MyInterface{",
"${1/([^,]+)([,\\s]*|)/\t$1: string;${2:+\n}/g}",
This is similar to the technique I use in snippets with variable number of arguments. Here is a demo of the above:
But you can't select and easily edit the variables or types with this method.
This is trickier, but will result in the keys and types selected for easier changing. You need 2 snippets"
"myinterface": {
"prefix": "myinterface",
"body": [
"interface MyInterface{ ",
// I jazzed it up by adding a choice transform
"\t${1:propX}: ${0:${2|string,int,bool|}};",
"description": "sorta smart interface creator"
"addProps": {
"prefix": "[int, bool, string]", // note multiple prefixes
"body": [
"${1:propX}: ${0:${2|string,int,bool|}}",
"description": "add props to interface"
Basically, this uses the end of the first snippet as the prefix for the additional key: type
pairs. Demo:
After tabbing to select your choice of int/bool/string
tab again to move to the end - that will automatically select what you choose from int/bool/string
Now you can trigger the suggestion of the second snippet with Ctrl+Space to insert one key: type pair at a time. And note that that second snippet has three prefixes to match your type choice, reinserts your choice at the end of the line and adds another key: type line below.