Replacing the phrase - based on start and end index - by visibleText.
The problem - there is multiple phrases(each phrase changing per iteration) . So the value of transformedText is not refreshing by setTransformedText hook.
How to have changed transformedText - after setTransformedText - in each iteration?
for(const i in phrasesByCategory){
const startIndex = phrasesByCategory[i].start_char;
const endIndex = phrasesByCategory[i].end_char;
const hiddenText = transformedText.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
const visibleText = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex)
const replacedPhrase = replaceAt(transformedText, hiddenText, visibleText, startIndex, endIndex)
The hook is string:
const [transformedText, setTransformedText] = useState("")
It's replace the first iteration:
const makeVisible = (phrasesByCategory) => {
let currentText = transformedText
setTransformedText((transformedText)=> {
for(const i in phrasesByCategory){
const startIndex = phrasesByCategory[i].start_char;
const endIndex = phrasesByCategory[i].end_char;
const hiddenText = transformedText.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
const visibleText = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
const replacedPhrase = replaceAt(transformedText, hiddenText, visibleText, startIndex, endIndex)
currentText = replacedPhrase
return currentText;
Edit current solution - which finally anonymyse and unanomyse that phrases:
const anonymyseByCategory = (phrasesByCategory, visible) => {
const textArray = [transformedText];
for (const i in phrasesByCategory) {
const startIndex = phrasesByCategory[i].start_char;
const endIndex = phrasesByCategory[i].end_char;
let hiddenText = visible
? textArray[i].substring(startIndex, endIndex)
: textArray[i].substring(startIndex, endIndex).replace(textArray[i].substring(startIndex, endIndex), 'X'.repeat(textArray[i].substring(startIndex, endIndex).length))
const visibleText = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
const sentenceWithReplacedPhrases = visible
? replaceAt(textArray[i], hiddenText, visibleText, startIndex, endIndex)
: replaceAt(textArray[i], visibleText, hiddenText, startIndex, endIndex)
I guess you have something like:
let [transformedText, setTransformedText] = useState('Hello World');
Since you are using the previous value of a state property (transformedText
) in order to update it, you have to call your state property setter (setTransformedText
) with a callback.
setTransformedText((transformedText)=> {
var hiddenText = ...;
var visibleText = ...;
var replacedPhrase = replaceAt(...);
return replacedPhrase;
This is due to the fact that, state updates may be asynchronous in React.