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useEffect does not run in initial render

In Piano component I am getting window's dimensions using a hook (useWindowDimensions()). In useEffect, I want to render component everytime width of window changes.

It re-renders the component everytime width changes (because keyData depends on it and it is in dependencyList) but does not render in initial render. So component does not render until I resize the window.

Following code is Piano component.

const svgRef = React.useRef(null);
const svgEl =;

const { width } = useWindowDimensions();
const height = width / 4;

const keyData = generateKeyData(88, width);

React.useEffect(() => {
  generatePianoNode(svgEl, keyData);
}, [svgEl, keyData]);

return (
  <svg ref={ svgRef } width={ width } height={ height } />

I tried to put another useEffect hook with empty dependency list with the same code but it also didn't work.


  • The useEffect hook actually renders on initial component mount but the problem here is that the way you generate piano node .

    You need to somehow put the value in a state and update state so the component re-renders everytime the state changes and also when the component mounts .

    const [value , setValue ] = React.useState("1")
    React.useEffect(() => {
      // your logic
      // setValue("2")
    }, [value]);

    Now the useEffect hook will run on component mount and then everytime the state value changes .


    If the value change simultaneously it will cause rendering problem in the component so a better option in this case is assigning an event listener in useEffect like this :

    const handleScroll = () => {
     // your logic
    React.useEffect(() => {
      if (typeof window !== "undefined"){
        window.addEventListener("scroll" , handleScroll)
      return () => {
         // on component unmount remove event listener
         if (typeof window !== "undefined"){
           window.removeEventListener("scroll" , handleScroll)
    }, []);