I got a code like below:
import functools
def change_time(_func=None, *, time=None):
def wrapper_external(func):
def wrapper_internal(*args, **kwargs):
# if how_many_times_func_called >= time:
# how_many_times_func_called = 0
return func(*args, **kwargs, new_time=how_many_times_func_called)
return wrapper_internal
if _func is None:
return wrapper_external
return wrapper_external(_func)
def my_func(some_text, new_time):
some_text += 'abc'
some_text += f': {new_time}'
return some_text
and i am trying to modify that i can also count how many times i was using that func and pass that value for wrapped func, but got no idea how to modify that?
I had a similar need in the past so I made a class that can be used as a decorator. Sharing the code here in case it could help or inspire your solution:
# chrono.py
# ---------
# decorator and class to get function/method execution statistics
# @Chrono decorator
# -----------------
# Wraps function/method to track time statistics
# @Chrono
# def myFunction(a,b,c):
# ...
# for _ in range(13): myFunction(1,2,3)
# myfunction.stats # prints...
# myFunction:
# Last time: 0.0066 sec.
# Total time: 0.0941 sec.
# Call Count: 13
# Average time: 0.0072 sec.
# Maximum time: 0.0098 sec.
# Recursion: 39
# Max. Depth: 3
# myFunction.count # 13
# myFunction.recursed # 39
# myFunction.totalTime # 0.0941
# myFunction.lastTime # 0.0066
# myFunction.maxDepth # 3
# myFunction.maxTime # 0.0098
# myFunction.average # 0.0072
# myFunction.clear() # resets statistics
# myfunction.depth # current recursion depth
# global 'chrono' object
# ----------------------
# computes time of parameter execution
# t,r = chrono.time(len(str(factorial(5000))))
# returns time and result: t: 0.005331993103027344 r:16326
# chrono.print('5000! :',scale=1000)(len(str(factorial(5000))))
# 5.2319 5000! : 16326
from time import time
class Chrono:
def __init__(self,func):
self.func = func
self._name = None
def clear(self):
self.count = 0
self.recursed = 0
self.totalTime = 0
self.start = None
self.depth = -1
self.lastTime = None
self.maxDepth = 0
self.maxTime = 0
def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self.depth += 1
self.count += self.depth == 0
self.recursed += self.depth > 0
if self.depth == 0:
self.start = time()
result = self.func(*args,**kwargs)
if self.depth == 0:
self.lastTime = time()-self.start
self.totalTime += self.lastTime
self.maxTime = max(self.lastTime,self.maxTime)
self.maxDepth = max(self.maxDepth,self.depth)
self.depth -= 1
return result
def name(self):
if self._name is None:
self._name = ""
for n,f in globals().items():
if f is self: self._name = n;break
return self._name
def methodCaller(self,obj):
def withObject(*args,**kwargs):
return self(obj,*args,**kwargs) # inject object instance
return withObject
def __get__(self,obj,objtype=None): # return method call or CallCounter
return self.methodCaller(obj) if obj else self
def average(self): return self.totalTime/max(1,self.count)
def stats(self):
print(f" Last time: {self.lastTime:3.4f} sec.")
print(f" Total time: {self.totalTime:5.4f} sec.")
print(f" Call Count: {self.count}")
print(f" Average time: {self.average:3.4f} sec.")
print(f" Maximum time: {self.maxTime:3.4f} sec.")
print(f" Recursion: {self.recursed}")
print(f" Max. Depth: {self.maxDepth}")
def time(self):
start = time()
self.count += 1
def execute(result):
self.lastTime = time()-start
self.totalTime += self.lastTime
return self.lastTime,result
return execute
def print(self,label="",scale=1):
start = time()
self.count += 1
def execute(result):
self.lastTime = time()-start
self.totalTime += self.lastTime
print(f"{self.lastTime*scale:3.4f}",label,end=" ")
if ":" in label:print(result)
else: print()
return result
return execute
chrono = Chrono(None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
def myFunction(a,b,c,r=3):
for _ in range(100000*a): pass
if r>0: myFunction(1,b,c,r-1)
return a+b+c
for i in range(13): myFunction(1,2,3)
Last time: 0.0062 sec.
Total time: 0.1005 sec.
Call Count: 13
Average time: 0.0077 sec.
Maximum time: 0.0106 sec.
Recursion: 39
Max. Depth: 3