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How to save a cropped image with cropImage() to a specific folder in Flutter

My code does the following:

  1. Picks an image with pickImage() (from image_picker package)
  2. Then it takes the picked image and crop it with cropImage() (image_cropper package)

After being picked, the function pickImage() saves it in this path :


And then the cropImage() function saves the returned image here:


Here is my function

  Future pickImage(source) async {
    try {
      final pickedFile = await ImagePicker().pickImage(source: source);
      if (pickedFile == null) return;

      File? croppedImage = await ImageCropper.cropImage(
          sourcePath: pickedFile.path,
          aspectRatio: CropAspectRatio(ratioX: 1.0, ratioY: 1.0)
      if(croppedImage == null) return;

      this.image = File(croppedImage.path);
     } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      print('Failed to catch image: $e');

Now what i want to do is to save the cropped image to a specific folder. Is there any way to implement this.


  • One of the solutions is to copy the image after that cropImage() stores it in its default directory:

    After getting our cropped image:

    croppedImage = await ImageCropper.cropImage(...);

    Do the following:

    1. Get the application Folder on the phone disk using the path_provider package:
    final Directory dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
    final String appDir = dir.path
    1. Check if the file already exists, then delete it.
    final File imageFile = File(appDir + '/profile_picture.jpg');
    if (await imageFile.exists()) {
    1. Preferably clear the cache to avoid some problems:
    1. Copy the image using the copy method which is provided by the File class:
    final File copiedImage = await croppedImage.copy('$appDir/profile_picture.jpg');
    1. Store the new image in a variable of type File:
    File myImage = File(copiedImage.path);