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How to use the argument that I passed from another screen using compose?

I want to use accessToken in the AccountListScreen which I pass from AuthenticationScreen

Here is code of my MainActivity:

    route = Screen.AuthenticationScreen.route
) {
    route = Screen.AccountListScreen.route + "/{accessToken}"
) {

So I'm trying to pass a parameter from my AuthenticationScreen:

fun AuthenticationScreen(
    navController: NavController,
    viewModel: AuthenticationViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
    val authorizeUrl: String by viewModel.authorizeUrl.observeAsState("")
    WebPageScreen(urlToRender = authorizeUrl, viewModel = viewModel)
    val state = viewModel.state.value
    if (state.accessToken.isNotEmpty()) {
        navController.navigate(Screen.AccountListScreen.route + "/${state.accessToken}")

And I don't understand how I can now get my parameter in AccountListScreen:

fun AccountListScreen(
    navController: NavController,
    viewModel: AccountListViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {


I try to use the @Alpha 1 solution and get the following error maybe I'm doing something wrong

But I have a dependency connected:

implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:2.4.0-alpha10"

UPDATE 2 enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

enter image description here


  • If you're using a NavHost, a way could be defining the composable like this in your MainActivity

    object composablesData {
        const val ACCESS_TOKEN = "ACCESS_TOKEN"
        route = Screen.AccountListScreen.route + "/{$ACCESS_TOKEN}"
    ) {
        val arguments = requireNotNull(it.arguments)
        val token = arguments.getString(ACCESS_TOKEN) //set the correct type

    And the just receive the parameter in your composable

    fun AccountListScreen(
        navController: NavController,
        token: String,
        viewModel: AccountListViewModel = hiltViewModel()
    ) {

    Check Navigate with arguments for more details and examples