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Accessing Oauth client and Principal inside the service class method

I am implementing a resource server using spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server dependency. I was referring to the below code where inside the Controller method, we have injected the dependency and Spring will automatically inject the auth-client and the principal using reflection.

What if, I want to access these objects inside the method defined inside the service class? I do not want to pass these values as arguments when calling the method inside the service class. Please let me know, how to access these objects inside the service class.

    public String oauthUserInfo(@RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient,  
                              @AuthenticationPrincipal OAuth2User oauth2User) {  
            "User Name: " + oauth2User.getName() + "<br/>" +  
            "User Authorities: " + oauth2User.getAuthorities() + "<br/>" +  
            "Client Name: " + authorizedClient.getClientRegistration().getClientName() + "<br/>" +  


  • You could have the OAuth2AuthorizedClient injected (aka autowired) in the service class on construction.

    You can access the security principal inside a service class as follows:
