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SwiftUI - Display view on UIWindow

I'm trying to display a custom SwiftUI view similar to a Toast in Android. My issue is that I would like to display this particular view above everything else, using the current UIWindow.

Currently, while working on static func displayToastAboveAll() located in my ToastView, this is how far i got

public struct ToastView: View {
    static func displayToastAboveAll() {
        let window = { $0.isKeyWindow }.first // window
        let viewToShow = ToastView(my params) // my view to display

        // This part I'm not sure of
        let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: viewToShow)

    public var body: some View {
        // MyDesign

Any idea how should I use the window to put the ToastView at its proper place, and still being able to navigate within the app (and use the outlets) while having the view displayed ?


  • I managed to do what I wanted. Basically, this code is working, but I had to remove some constraints from my SwiftUI view and add them with UIKit using the static func. Also, I had to pass by a modifier (see below) and put ToastView init in private.

    public struct ToastModifier: ViewModifier {
        public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
    extension View {
        public func toast() -> some View {
            return modifier(ToastModifier())

    This is done to force the use of either modifier (SwiftUI, by doing .toast, just like you'd do .alert) or directly by calling the static func ToastView.displayToastAboveAll() (UIKit). Indeed, I dont wont this Toast to be a part of the view, I want to trigger it like an alert.

    Finally, special warning because passing ToastView into UIHostingViewController will mess with some of the animations. I had to rewrite animations in UIKit in order to have a nice swipe & fade animation.