Below is my code.
<EditorTiptap v-model="content" />
<div class="editor-panel">
<editor-content :editor="editor" />
computed: {
html () {
if (!this.editor) return ''
return this.editor.getHTML()
In such a structure, how can I send the content input value of the child component to the parent component?
In order to implement the preview function in the parent component, the content of the child component must be fetched in real time.
I couldn't find a way to do anything with the html of computed .
Please tell me how to implement editor input of child component (tiptap.vue) as preview in parent component.
You could add a watcher to your html
computed property to $emit
its content to parent.
watch: {
html: function (val) {
this.$emit('onHtmlChanged', html)
Then your parent can listen to @onHtmlChanged
<EditorTiptap v-model="content" @onHtmlChanged="doSomething" />
NOTE : It might be recommended that you debounce your event to prevent emitting a change at each keystroke