Ansible v2.11 Target: Windows 2012 Server
I'm trying to unzip a file using the C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe
utility, and that folder is in the system path. I can't use win_unzip
because of long file names. However I get this?
- name: "Unzip exa-web {{ exa_web_zip }}"
7z x {{ remote_dir }}/{{ exa_web_zip }} -o{{ exa_web_dir }}
TASK [exa-web : Unzip exa-web] ***
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "7z x C:\\temp/ -oC:\\Viztek\\EXA\\web", "msg": "Exception calling \"SearchPath\" with \"1\" argument(s): \"Could not find file '7z.exe'.\"", "rc": 2}
I even added this task just to ensure that is is in the system path, to no avail.
- name: Add to system path
- "C:\\Program Filse\\7-zip"
What am I missing?
there is a common parameter you should use, it is called chdir
. Then ansible should find the executable:
- name: "Unzip exa-web {{ exa_web_zip }}"
7z x {{ remote_dir }}/{{ exa_web_zip }} -o{{ exa_web_dir }}
chdir: 'C:\Program Filse\7-zip'