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bigrquery: mean, max, min and sd extraction inside 5-95 quantiles using dplyr verbs doesn't work

I try to make the mean, max, min and sd extraction inside 5-95 quantiles in a BigQuery server, but dplyr verbs don't work and the output error is: x Syntax error: Expected ")" but got keyword AS at [1:117] [invalidQuery]

In my example:

bq_auth(email = "") 

bq_conn <-  dbConnect(bigquery(), 
                      project = projectid,
                      dataset = datasetid, 
                      use_legacy_sql = FALSE
bigrquery::dbListTables(bq_conn) # List all the tables in BigQuery data set
#[1] "CMPC"

raw_spectra_CMPC <- dplyr::tbl(bq_conn, 
                               "CMPC") # connects to a table

Rows: ??
Columns: 27
Database: BigQueryConnection
$ x          <dbl> -52.5502, -52.5501, -52.5501, -52.5501, -52.5501, -52.5500, -52.5500, -52.5500, -52.5500, -52.5500, -5~
$ y          <dbl> -30.8295, -30.8297, -30.8296, -30.8295, -30.8294, -30.8298, -30.8297, -30.8296, -30.8295, -30.8294, -3~
$ stand      <chr> "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A~
$ date       <chr> "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "201~
$ B2         <dbl> 213, 205, 181, 207, 216, 205, 165, 161, 173, 182, 181, 259, 227, 190, 153, 147, 160, 164, 194, 210, 18~
$ B3         <dbl> 361.0, 362.0, 346.0, 352.0, 369.0, 330.0, 290.0, 326.0, 334.0, 332.0, 325.0, 375.0, 352.0, 307.0, 281.~
$ B4         <dbl> 227.0, 233.0, 198.0, 207.0, 209.0, 227.0, 178.0, 164.0, 180.0, 207.0, 209.0, 267.0, 269.0, 194.0, 163.~
$ B8         <dbl> 3033.0, 3307.0, 3322.0, 3232.0, 3241.0, 3065.0, 3306.0, 3422.0, 3427.0, 3392.0, 3165.0, 3206.0, 2984.0~
$ NDVI       <dbl> 0.86074, 0.86836, 0.88750, 0.87962, 0.87884, 0.86209, 0.89782, 0.90853, 0.90019, 0.88497, 0.87611, 0.8~
$ SAVI       <dbl> 4549.379, 4960.386, 4982.905, 4847.897, 4861.397, 4597.380, 4958.915, 5132.925, 5140.417, 5087.903, 47~
$ SIPI       <dbl> 1.00499, 1.00911, 1.00544, 1.00000, 0.99769, 1.00775, 1.00416, 1.00092, 1.00216, 1.00785, 1.00947, 1.0~
$ SR         <dbl> 13.36123, 14.19313, 16.77778, 15.61353, 15.50718, 13.50220, 18.57303, 20.86585, 19.03889, 16.38647, 15~
$ RGI        <dbl> 0.62881, 0.64365, 0.57225, 0.58807, 0.56640, 0.68788, 0.61379, 0.50307, 0.53892, 0.62349, 0.64308, 0.7~
$ TVI        <int> 173720, 189600, 193360, 187300, 188320, 174400, 192160, 201960, 200980, 196100, 182000, 180660, 166220~
$ MSR        <dbl> 3.65530, 3.76738, 4.09607, 3.95140, 3.93792, 3.67453, 4.30964, 4.56792, 4.36336, 4.04802, 3.89147, 3.4~
$ PRI        <dbl> -0.25784, -0.27690, -0.31309, -0.25939, -0.26154, -0.23364, -0.27473, -0.33881, -0.31755, -0.29183, -0~
$ GNDVI      <dbl> 0.78727, 0.80267, 0.81134, 0.80357, 0.79557, 0.80560, 0.83871, 0.82604, 0.82239, 0.82170, 0.81375, 0.7~
$ PSRI       <dbl> -0.04418, -0.03901, -0.04455, -0.04486, -0.04937, -0.03361, -0.03388, -0.04734, -0.04494, -0.03685, -0~
$ GCI        <dbl> 7.40166, 8.13536, 8.60116, 8.18182, 7.78320, 8.28788, 10.40000, 9.49693, 9.26048, 9.21687, 8.73846, 7.~
$ ID_PROJETO <int> 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 24~
$ CD_TALHAO  <chr> "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A"~
$ DATA_PLANT <chr> "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "200~
$ ESPAC      <chr> "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2~
$ AGE_1      <dbl> 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, ~
$ AGE        <int> 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11~

But when I try to used my function:

quantis <- function(x) x > quantile(x, 0.05) & x < quantile(x, 0.95)
data_Q95 <- raw_spectra_CMPC  %>% 
  filter (across(B2:GCI, .fns = quantis)) %>%
  group_by(AGE, ESPAC) %>%
  summarise(across(B2:GCI, list(mean = ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), max = ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE), min = ~ min(.x, na.rm = TRUE), sd = ~ sd(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
# <error/rlang_error>
# Job 'fc-vm-v1.job_41KNdnsYP_gws6avquMVeqjOC6_V.US' failed
# x Syntax error: Expected ")" but got keyword AS at [1:117] [invalidQuery]
# Backtrace:
#   1. (function (x, ...) ...
#   2. dbplyr:::print.tbl_sql(x)
#   7. pillar:::format.tbl(x, ..., n = n, width = width, n_extra = n_extra)
#   8. pillar:::format_tbl(...)
#   9. pillar::tbl_format_setup(...)
#  11. pillar:::tbl_format_setup.tbl(...)
#  12. pillar:::df_head(x, n + 1)
#  14., n))
#  17. bigrquery:::collect.tbl_BigQueryConnection(x, n = n)
#  18. bigrquery::bq_dataset_query(...)
#  19. bigrquery::bq_job_wait(job, quiet = quiet)
# Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see the full context.

Please, any help with a good way for me to make these extractions? Is necessary to use SQL query too? I make some tests with my function in a *csv file before export to the BigQuery and works very well:

raw_spectra_CMPC_csv <- read.csv("")
quantis <- function(x) x > quantile(x, 0.05) & x < quantile(x, 0.95)
data_Q95 <- raw_spectra_CMPC_csv  %>% 
  filter (across(B2:GCI, .fns = quantis)) %>%
  group_by(AGE, ESPAC) %>%
  summarise(across(B2:GCI, list(mean = ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), max = ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE), min = ~ min(.x, na.rm = TRUE), sd = ~ sd(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
# # A tibble: 7 x 62
# # Groups:   AGE [7]
#     AGE ESPAC    B2_mean B2_max B2_min B2_sd B3_mean B3_max B3_min B3_sd B4_mean B4_max B4_min B4_sd B8_mean B8_max B8_min
#   <int> <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
# 1    -2 4X1.85      125.   175    75    14.2    236.    312   199   18.6    129.    345   108.  12.6   3590.   4052   2189
# 2    -1 4X1.85      153.   300    67    34.0    282.    436   198.  34.3    166.    379   108.  30.7   3346.   4059   2208
# 3     0 4X1.85      419.   928.   71   274.     610.   1208   199  328.     730.   1668   109  535.    2933.   4069   2095
# 4     1 4X1.85      344.   683   129    83.4    510.    944   286   97.0    544.   1180   256  129.    2871.   3451   2115
# 5    11 3.5x2.14    137.   259    70    29.8    276.    467   199   38.4    160.    361   109   26.4   3665.   4069   2688
# 6    12 3.5x2.14    150.   298    67.5  23.6    267.    485   200   32.1    169.    421   109   26.2   3354.   4067   2293
# 7    13 3.5x2.14    130.   302    70    35.3    247.    482   200   30.0    144.    465   111   29.7   3833.   4069   3116
# # ... with 45 more variables: B8_sd <dbl>, NDVI_mean <dbl>, NDVI_max <dbl>, NDVI_min <dbl>, NDVI_sd <dbl>,
# #   SAVI_mean <dbl>, SAVI_max <dbl>, SAVI_min <dbl>, SAVI_sd <dbl>, SIPI_mean <dbl>, SIPI_max <dbl>, SIPI_min <dbl>,
# #   SIPI_sd <dbl>, SR_mean <dbl>, SR_max <dbl>, SR_min <dbl>, SR_sd <dbl>, RGI_mean <dbl>, RGI_max <dbl>, RGI_min <dbl>,
# #   RGI_sd <dbl>, TVI_mean <dbl>, TVI_max <dbl>, TVI_min <dbl>, TVI_sd <dbl>, MSR_mean <dbl>, MSR_max <dbl>,
# #   MSR_min <dbl>, MSR_sd <dbl>, PRI_mean <dbl>, PRI_max <dbl>, PRI_min <dbl>, PRI_sd <dbl>, GNDVI_mean <dbl>,
# #   GNDVI_max <dbl>, GNDVI_min <dbl>, GNDVI_sd <dbl>, PSRI_mean <dbl>, PSRI_max <dbl>, PSRI_min <dbl>, PSRI_sd <dbl>,

Thanks in advance!


  • I tried reproducing your code and I noticed that R code is not properly translated to BQ query.

    1. Use sd(.x) since by default BQ (STTD_DEV) ignores the null values.
    2. The function quantis is not created in BQ, thus it does not do its job and errors out. I'm not sure if R supports use of functions to BQ.

    What I could suggest is instead of using native R operations use SQL statements to prevent incorrect translation of R to BigQuery operations. You can try creating a user defined function (your quantis function) in BQ. In your select statement perform mean, max and sd on your fields. Filter using your UDF(quantis), group by age and espac. You can also try creating a VIEW that achieves most of your goal including WHERE clause on quantile. You can refer to this document for reference on how to use BigQuery in R.