When in LocalizationDashboard I press Gather text or Complile translations, it gives me an error and warnings:
Error: LoadConfig (/Script/Engine.Default__RendererSettings): import failed for bEnableAlphaChannelInPostProcessing in: False
Warning: In asset 'None', there is an enum property of type 'EDepthOfFieldMethod' with an invalid value of '('
Warning: Package '/Game/Levels/BigWallBottom' and '/Game/Levels/BigWall' have the same localization ID (764D6BBD47E8990F8B3974AF1C019ECF)
Please reset one of these (Asset Localization -> Reset Localization ID) to avoid conflicts
Warning: Package '/Game/Levels/BigWallTop' and '/Game/Levels/BigWall' have the same localization ID (764D6BBD47E8990F8B3974AF1C019ECF)
Please reset one of these (Asset Localization -> Reset Localization ID) to avoid conflicts
I have no idea how to fix error and where should I do this: Asset Localization -> Reset Localization ID.
Go to the asset mentioned in the Content Browser, right-click -> Asset Localization -> Reset Localization ID