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Python - Limiting the Number of Threads while passing arguments

I am trying to run some threads using a thread limiter to keep number of threads to 10. I had an example to use as guide but I need to pass in some arguments to the function when the calling the thread. I am struggling with the passing of arguments. I marked with ### the areas where I am not sure the syntax and where I think my problem is.

I am trying to use this The right way to limit maximum number of threads running at once? as a guide. Here is the sample code I am trying to follow. My example is below that. Any time I try to pass in all the arguments I get back TypeError: __ init__() takes 1 to 6 arguments but 17 were passed In my example below I cut the arguments down to 4 to make it easier to read but I have 17 arguments in my live code. In example I keep the arguments down to run, main_path, target_path, jiranum to keep reading easier

threadLimiter = threading.BoundedSemaphore(maximumNumberOfThreads)

class MyThread(threading.Thread):

def run(self):  

def Executemycode(self):
    print(" Hello World!") 
    # <your code here>

My code

import os
import sys
import threading

threadLimiter = threading.BoundedSemaphore(10)

class MyThread(threading.Thread):

  def run(self):  ### I also tried (run, main_path, target_path, jiranum)
       self.run_compare(run, main_path, target_path, jiranum) #### I also tried self

  def run_compare(run, main_path, target_path, jiranum):   #### ???
    os.system(main_path + ', ' + target_path + ',' + jiranum + ',' + run)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #set the needed variables
    threads = []

    for i in range (1, int(run)+1):
       process=threading.Thread(target=MyThread, args=(str(i), main_path, target_path, jiranum)) #### Is this defined right?

       for process in threads:


  • This would probably be a simpler task with concurrent.futures but I like getting my hands dirty, so here we go. A few suggestions:

    • I find classes as thread targets often complicate things, so if there's no compelling reason, keep it simple
    • It's easier to use a with block to acquire and release a semaphore, and a regular semaphore usually suffices in that case
    • 17 arguments can get messy; I would build a tuple of the arguments outside the call to threading.Thread() so it's easier to read, then unpack the tuple in the thread

    This should work as a simple example; os.system() just echoes something and sleeps, so you can see the thread count is limited by the semaphore.

    import os
    import threading
    from random import randint
    threadLimiter = threading.Semaphore(10)
    def run_config(*args):
        run, arg1, arg2 = args           # unpack the 17 args by name
        with threadLimiter:
            seconds = randint(2, 7)
            os.system(f"echo run {run}, args {arg1} {arg2} ; sleep {seconds}")
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        threads = []
        run = "20"          # I guess this is a string because of below?
        for i in range (1, int(run)+1):
            thr_args = (str(i), "arg1",
                        "arg2")           # put the 17 args here
            thr = threading.Thread(target=run_config, args=thr_args)
        for thr in threads: