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Cannot render grouped cells without row count in reactable

I'm using rMarkdown, knitting to html, and trying to do something simple in reactable - use JS to suppress row totals in parentheses. I'm literally copying from their own guide, but its not working:

reactable Grouped Cell Rendering

data <- MASS::Cars93[10:22, c("Manufacturer", "Model", "Type", "Price", "")]

  groupBy = c("Manufacturer", "Type"),
  columns = list(
    Manufacturer = colDef(
      # Render grouped cells without the row count
      grouped = JS("function(cellInfo) {
        return cellInfo.value

I get the following error:

Error in colDef(grouped = JS("function(cellInfo) {\n return cellInfo.value\n }")) : 
unused argument (grouped = JS("function(cellInfo) {\n return cellInfo.value\n }"))

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • The grouped argument is not available (yet) on the CRAN version of the package. You can install the development version from github and then the example works.

    #install the package from github
    data <- MASS::Cars93[10:22, c("Manufacturer", "Model", "Type", "Price", "")]
      groupBy = c("Manufacturer", "Type"),
      columns = list(
        Manufacturer = colDef(
          # Render grouped cells without the row count
          grouped = JS("function(cellInfo) {
            return cellInfo.value
        Type = colDef(
          # Render grouped cells with the row count, only if there are multiple sub rows
          grouped = JS("function(cellInfo) {
            if (cellInfo.subRows.length > 1) {
              return cellInfo.value + ' (' + cellInfo.subRows.length + ')'
            return cellInfo.value

    enter image description here