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Spatie Laravel Translation Loader with Inertia JS

Because I need to store translation text in the database so that users can update it, I'm using the spatie/laravel-translation-loader package. In my application, I'm combining Inertia JS and Vue 2. I'm looking for advice on how to effectively pass translation data to the Vue component.



  • I've used the following strategy:

    I've shared the following translation data:

    class HandleInertiaRequests extends Middleware
    public function share(Request $request)
    'trans' => [
            'common' =>   LanguageLine::getTranslationsForGroup(app()->currentLocale(),'common')

    Created trans() function and global mixin

    export default function(group, key) {
        let value = _.get(this.$page.props.trans[group], key);
        if (value) {
            return value;
        } else {
           return key;
    import trans from '@/utils/trans';
    Vue.prototype.$trans = trans;
        methods: {
            trans: trans

    used trans() in vue component as:

     <h1> trans('common', 'dashboard') </h1>