Search code examples

Filter Results Using Query Parameter

I am trying to use the @Param annotation for a custom query I built using Spring Data JPA's Query Creation such that when I pass the query parameter ?organizationId=2, only Tasks will be returned that have an organization ID that match the given param.

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "tasks", path = "tasks")
public interface TaskRepository extends JpaRepository<Task, Long> {

    List<Task> findByOrganizationId(@Param("organizationId") Long organizationId);

The problem is that when I visit the the @RepositoryRestResource path at /tasks?organizationId=2, it seems to be calling the default List<Task> findAll(); method exposed at /tasks, and all Tasks are returned.

enter image description here

How can I make Spring direct the request to my custom method?


  • All query method resources are exposed under the search resource. (See here for further information.)

    http://localhost:8080/tasks/search/ should give you the list of available search endpoints. One should be : http://localhost:8080/tasks/search/findByOrganizationId, to which you can apply your parameterized search.