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Sorting a collect_set by count

I understand collect_set can have a random order. Is there a different method of ordering a collect_set by count? I want to have an array of the most popular items for a single column based on a group by of a separate id column. Would you have a collect_list and then run the count on that?


  • No, there is no method to order collect_set by count, as collect aggregate methods don't count items, information is not available to sort items.

    So, since Spark 3.1 and greater, and given a dataframe with two columns id and item, you can:

    1. perform count over a groupBy on columns id and items
    2. collect (count, item) couples to an array with collect_list and struct. Note: you can use collect_set here instead of collect_list, but it is useless as we are sure that each element of (count, item) is unique
    3. use sort_array to sort your array by descending count
    4. map your array with transform to drop count.

    Which can be translated to code as follow:

    from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    final_df = dataframe.groupBy('id', 'item').count() \
      .groupBy('id') \
            F.collect_list(F.struct("count", "item")),
          lambda x: x.getItem('item')

    Note: if your spark version lower than 3.1 but greater than 1.6, you can replace transform with withColumn as follow:

    from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    final_df = dataframe.groupBy('id', 'item').count() \
      .groupBy('id') \
      .agg(F.sort_array(F.collect_list(F.struct("count", "item")), asc=False).alias('popular_items')) \
      .withColumn("popular_items", F.col('popular_items.item'))


    With the following input dataframe:

    |id |item |
    |1  |item1|
    |1  |item2|
    |1  |item2|
    |1  |item2|
    |1  |item3|
    |2  |item3|
    |2  |item3|
    |2  |item1|
    |3  |item1|
    |3  |item1|

    You get the following output:

    |id |popular_items        |
    |1  |[item2, item3, item1]|
    |3  |[item1]              |
    |2  |[item3, item1]       |