I have the following program:
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Threading
let main _ =
let timer = Stopwatch ()
printfn "begin"
timer.Start ()
Thread.Sleep 5000
timer.Stop ()
printfn "end"
printfn "%i ms" timer.Elapsed.Milliseconds
I was expecting it to print an elapsed time of 5000 ms or a bit more. It does pause for about 5 seconds between printing "begin" and "end". But it only prints "3 ms" or thereabouts. Why doesn't Stopwatch
count the sleep time?
It's because the Elapsed property returns a TimeSpan, and the Milliseconds property of that TimeSpan is pretty small. If you use the ElapsedMilliseconds property, you should see a good value.
[Edit] You can also use timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, (which is a float, not an int).