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VSCode: Create a document in memory with URI for automated testing?


I created an extension that interacts with documents. In order to test the extension I need to create documents, that the extension can work with. The extension has to access the document via uri.

Currently I'm using vscode.workspace.openTextDocument({content: _content, language: _language}); for document creation. The problem is, it does not have a valid URI.


How can I create a virtual document in memory, that has a valid URI?


  • As there was no native solution to this, I created my and I'd like to share it here:

    A TextDocumentContentProvider for files in memory. Example usage shown below


    import * as vscode from 'vscode';
    const _SCHEME = "inmemoryfile";
     *  Registration function for In-Memory files.
     *  You need to call this once, if you want to make use of
     *  `MemoryFile`s.
    export function register_memoryFileProvider ({ subscriptions }: vscode.ExtensionContext)
      const myProvider = new (class implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider
                provideTextDocumentContent(uri: vscode.Uri): string
                    let memDoc = MemoryFile.getDocument (uri);
                    if (memDoc == null)
                        return "";
                    return ();
            _SCHEME, myProvider));
     *  Management class for in-memory files.
    class MemoryFileManagement
        private static _documents: {[key: string]: MemoryFile} = {};
        private static _lastDocId: number = 0;
        public static getDocument(uri: vscode.Uri) : MemoryFile | null
            return MemoryFileManagement._documents[uri.path];
        private static _getNextDocId(): string{
            return "_" + MemoryFileManagement._lastDocId + "_";
        public static createDocument(extension = "")
          let path = MemoryFileManagement._getNextDocId ();
            if (extension != "")
                path += "." + extension;
            let self = new MemoryFile(path);
            MemoryFileManagement._documents[path] = self;
            return self;
     * A file in memory
    export class MemoryFile
         ** Static Area  **
        public static getDocument(uri: vscode.Uri) : MemoryFile | null {
            return MemoryFileManagement.getDocument (uri);
        public static createDocument(extension = "") {
            return MemoryFileManagement.createDocument (extension);
         ** Object Area  **
        public content: string = "";
        public uri: vscode.Uri;
        constructor (path: string)
            this.uri = vscode.Uri.from ({scheme: _SCHEME, path: path})
        public write(strContent: string){
            this.content += strContent;
        public read(): string {
            return this.content;
        public getUri(): vscode.Uri {
            return this.uri;

    Example usage

    Register the provider

    You need to register the provider somewhere in the beginning of your test code (I do it in index.ts before Mocha is instantiated):

    register_memoryFileProvider (extensionContext);

    (How do I get the extension context?)

    Create a document

    Creating and using a file works as follows:

    // create the in-memory document
    let memfile = MemoryFile.createDocument ("ts");
    memfile.write ("my content");
    // create a vscode.TextDocument from the in-memory document.
    let doc = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument (memfile.getUri ());


    • Be aware, that LSP commands might not work with with approach, because they might be registered to a certain specific schema.