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DHL SOAP Request

I'm trying to use the API from DHL to add shipment details and get a label in return. I'm using the soapbox with SoapUI and be able to make requests. Now I want to do this in Python. I'm not really sure about the steps. I stumbled across this: DHL Soap Request Python

Can somebody help me with getting this to run? The authentication is working but I don't know how to build the soap request.

First trial was to use the SoapUI Software for doing some simple requests or to test everything. With my credentials I was able to send a request and get a label in return.

As endpoint the following URL was used, taken from the doc:

The XML looks like this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cis="" xmlns:ns=""> 
                     <cis:name1>Absender Zeile 1</cis:name1> 
                     <cis:name2>Absender Zeile 2</cis:name2> 
                     <cis:name3>Absender Zeile 3</cis:name3> 
                     <cis:streetName>Vegesacker Heerstr.</cis:streetName> 
                     <cis:contactPerson>Kontaktperson Absender</cis:contactPerson> 
                     <cis:name2>Empfänger Zeile 2</cis:name2> 
                     <cis:name3>Empfänger Zeile 3</cis:name3> 
                     <cis:contactPerson>Kontaktperson Empfänger</cis:contactPerson> 
            <PrintOnlyIfCodeable active="1"/> 

My Python code looks like this:

from requests import Session
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from zeep import Client, xsd
from zeep.transports import Transport

user = "my_user_name"
password = "my_password"
USER = "2222222222_01" #from doc
PASSWORD = "pass" #from doc
EKP = "2222222222"

wsdl = "./geschaeftskundenversand-api-3.1.8.wsdl" #downloaded and stored local

session = Session()

# Authenticate  with gateway
session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(user, password)
client = Client(wsdl, transport=Transport(session=session))

# Build Authentification header for API-Endpoint using zeep xsd
header = xsd.Element(
header_value = header(user = USER, signature = PASSWORD)

As a result I'm getting a traceback: Missing Element Version

It seems to me that the authentication is working and now I need to insert the body parts of the XML. What I understood, that the next step should be:


and here I could pass a dictionary for example. createShipmentOrder is one of the requests as stated in the documentary. It gives back a XML with Status OK, a shipment number and a URL to the label for printing. In my opinion now I have to pass the address and so on as stated in the XML. In the SoupUI the request is send to the endpoint URL But in my Python Code the Endpoint isn't stated. Do I need it or is it part of the wsdl file I stored locally?


  • So as nobody was able to help me, I did it myself :)

    I needed some hours to understand the API but now it is clear...

    You can use mostly of the code from my question. You have to generate a nested dictionary with all the needed data. For Example:

    dict = {'Version':{'majorRelease' : '3', 'minorRelease' : '1'},
                                    {'product':product, 'accountNumber':accountNumber, 'customerReference':customerReference,
                                    'ShipmentItem':{'weightInKG':'0.9', 'lengthInCM':'35', 'widthInCM':'24', 'heightInCM':'5'}
                                    'Name':{'name1':'your name'},
                                    'Address':{'streetName':'your street','streetNumber':'1234', 'zip':'11111', city':'New York',
                                        'Origin':{'country':'', 'countryISOCode':'DE'}}
                                    'Address':{'streetName':receiver_street,'streetNumber':receiver_streetnumber, 'zip':receiver_zip, 'city':receiver_city,
                                    'Origin':{'country':'', 'countryISOCode':'DE'}}

    save the wsdl files into a folder and link your script to it like:

    wsdl = "./geschaeftskundenversand-api-3.1.8.wsdl"

    You need a header for the request and the authentication at the gateway. The authentication is run over a simple request as shown already in the question.

    All you need now is the soap request:

    response = client.service.createShipmentOrder(_soapheaders=[header_value], **dict)

    where you put in the header and the dict. If you run everything then you will get a response which says 'OK' and has a shipment number and the url to your label in it.

    That's it.

    I'm running the script with some streamlit parts on a Raspberry Pi4 and let the label printer print everything. Here my code for printing the label:

    import subprocess
    conn = cups.Connection() #Connection to CUPS
    printers = conn.getPrinters() #Get all listed printers
    use_printer = printers['QL-1110NWB']["device-uri"] #choose the one label printer
    file = requests.get(label_url) #Save the label from url into pdf document locally
    with open('label.pdf', 'wb') as pdf:
              ['lp', '-d', 'QL-1110NWB', '-o fit-to-page', 'label.pdf']) # print the saved label