On Windows 2012 I am running net user localusername | findstr "logon"
which returns Last logon 9/8/2017 9:27:16 AM
I only want it to return the date which will be different on each account. How do I filter this to only return 9/8/2017?
This is what I did for Windows 2016 and it works great, but Windows 2012 does not support grep or cut.
net user "{{ item }}" | grep "Last logon" | cut -d' ' -f21
which returns 9/8/2017
update The following is working on the server thanks to @Mofi
for /F "tokens=3" %I in ('net user "test" 2^>nul ^| findstr "Last logon"') do @echo %I
update The following is working on the server thanks to @Mofi
for /F "tokens=3" %I in ('net user "test" 2^>nul ^| findstr "Last logon"') do @echo %I