I'm trying to control the movement of my robot using dynamixel_workbench package. My ROS version in noetic and my motors are dynamixel Ax12 I run dynamixel_workbench_controllers.launch file and I can see the position of each joint as I move the robot arms (in joint_states topic) I record this topic with rosbag and when I play the bag file I can see that it has recorded the positions (using rostopic echo /dynamixel_workbench/joint_states) but the arms dont move accordingly. I mean the bag file is recorded and played correctly but doesnt seem to work with motors.
Can anyone help me with that? What should I do to move the motors with bag file?
The topic you're recording is a Publisher
of the package, not a Subscriber
. This means what you're recording is feedback from the node saying where it currently is in response to a command, you can see on the package page. The movement is actually done in response to a Service
call. Unfortunately, there isn't any way to directly record services via rosbag
. The best you could do is write a quick node that subscribes to a topic and translates that message into a service call. This would effectively let you control the robot, record the commands, and play them back having the actions repeated(still through the node you wrote).