How do I remove :z of data inside a cond-> ?
(def data
{:a [{:x 1
:y 2
:z "remove this"}
{:x 3
:y 4
:z 5}]
:b "b"
:c "c"})
I suspect I'll have to used update-in, but I have not been having success.
(cond-> data
:a (#(<function to remove :z when :z is "remove this">))
:b (dissoc :b))
My current theory is to use update-in, map, and an if statement. I have not been able to find the exact syntax that works, though
(cond-> data
:a (#(update-in (:a %) [:z]
(map (fn [A]
(if (= (:z A) "remove this")
(dissoc A :z)
(:a %))))
:b (dissoc :b))
=> ClassCastException clojure.lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn clojure.core/apply (core.clj:652)
Your attempt there is very close:
You seem to do navigate twice "into" the map. If you want to change the items of :a
in that map, then update
is enough. Also you don't have to path via :z
, since this is the one you want to dissoc
from the map.
So my suggestion here is:
(cond-> data
:a (update :a
(partial mapv #(if (= (:z %) "remove this") (dissoc % :z) %)))
:b (dissoc :b))
because we change only the top levelupdate
comes from cond->
to keep the vectorupdate
will be (:a data)
, but mapv
takes this as last argument - so use partial