here is my code
int main()
int alp=0;
int ch, spaces;
char str[30];
int er=0;
int dot = 3;
int cl;
int i, j, k, l;
int x;
int y;
int z;
int p;
printf("Enter IPV4 IP address:");//Enter the IP address
scanf("%s",&str);//For taking input
char *part;
char *part1 = strtok(str, ".");
char *s1 = part1;
char *part2 = strtok(NULL, ".");
char *s2 = part2;
char *part3 = strtok(NULL, ".");
char *s3 = part3;
char *part4 = strtok(NULL, ".");
char *s4 = part4;
if(p < 0 || p > 255)//To check the range of the ip address
printf("IP Address not in range");
if (part4[0]=='0')//to check if the 1st position holds zero
printf("\nZero Found. IP address should not containt leading zero");
if(dot != 3)//to check the separaters
printf("\nLimit exceeded!! number of dots more than three");
return 0;
So the error I'm getting is in //to check the separators part of my code if I enter IP) showing error Limit exceed also if I enter IP with more dots showing the same error.
Want help in that part of my code.
First try my code with normal and erratical IP numbers and observe its outputs. Then compare your code with mine and detect your errors.
int dotCount(const char* str) {
int dots = 0;
while(*str != NULL) {
if(*str++ == '.') dots++;
return dots;
int main()
char str[30];
int er=0;
int dot = 0;
printf("Enter IPV4 IP address:");//Enter the IP address
scanf("%s",str);//For taking input
// Dot count check
dot = dotCount(str);
if(dot == 3)
printf("\nDot count ok");
printf("\nLimit exceeded!! number of dots more than three: %d\n", dot);
char *part;
part = strtok(str, ".");
while(part != NULL) {
// printf("part: %s\n", part); // Part debug
if(strlen(part) > 1 && *part == '0') {
printf("\nZero Found. IP address should not containt leading zero: %s\n", part);
int range = atoi(part);
if(range < 0 || range > 255)//To check the range of the ip address
puts("IP Address not in range\n");
part = strtok(NULL, ".");
if(er > 0) {
printf("%d errors found\n",er);
else {
puts("No errors foundi IP adress is ok\n");
return 0;