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How to extract street graph or network from OpenStreetMap?

How to extract street graph or network from OpenStreetMap ?


  • Solutions:

    There are many solutions to achieve this goal, I listed some of them below.

    - Overpass-api

    Overpass-api & overpass-turbo let you use overpass query language to collect ways and nodes of type highway for a city :

    [out:xml]; area[name = "Pantin"]; (way(area)[highway]; ); (._;>;); out;

    Pantin is a city in France overpass-turbo

    - Geofabrik & Osmium

    Geofabrik allows you to download various datasets from continents to cities.

    Next, extract nodes and ways of type highway using Osmium tag-filters:

    osmium tags-filter map.osm w/highway -o highways-ways.osm

    NOTE: osmium tags-filter also works with .pbf files

    - Ophois

    Ophois is a CLI tool written in Rust, i created to:

    • Download a map from overpass-api
    • Process data from Overpass or Geofabrik to extract the street graph
    • Simplify the extracted graph with detailed heuristics
    • Discretize the extracted or simplified graph to a distance in meter

    I also created a simple tool to display the generated graph on a Leaflet map to check the simplification process, cartographe.
    Cartographe let you check the node id and the distance of links in meters using haversine formula.


    Pantin extracted from overpass-api using Ophois


    Pantin simplified using Ophois

    Simplified and Discretized

    Pantin simplified and discretized using Ophois

    NOTE: Simplified and discretized with 10 meters parameter

    - OSMnx

    OSMnx: Python for street networks. Retrieve, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other spatial data from OpenStreetMap.

    NOTE: Pantin using OSMnx