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Huawei Push Kit API - get Push Id from rest Api

I am trying to send notifications to my android app via HMS push with Rest api.

The system works, but I can't find an api to find the Push Id (Token).

    "validate_only": false,
    "message": {
        "notification": {
            "title": "Notifica simpatica",
            "body": "Io sono il body della notifica simpatica",
            "notify_icon": ""
        "data": "{'param1':'value1','param2':'value2'}",
        "android": {
            "collapse_key": -1,
            "urgency": "NORMAL",
            "category": "PLAY_VOICE",
            "ttl": "1448s",
            "fast_app_target": 1,
            "notification": {
                "click_action": {
                    "type": 1,
                    "intent": ""
        "token": [
            "I NEED THIS"

I have read about a push subscription api for get it but after two days i don't find nothing :(

Please help me! Thanks!


  • PushToken can be received only from device. On device you should execute method for receiving it and then send this PushToken to your backend.