I have the following Spring Integration flow:
It gathers records from one database, converts to json and sends to another database.
The idea is to have 10 pollers (channel0 to 9). Each one is a pollingFlowChanN
Bean. But I suspect they are sharing the same thread.
How to I make the polling multi-thread in this scenario?
private IntegrationFlow getChannelPoller(final int channel, final int pollSize, final long delay) {
return IntegrationFlows.from(jdbcMessageSource(channel, pollSize), c -> c.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(delay)
public IntegrationFlow pollingFlowChan0() {
return getChannelPoller(0, properties.getChan0PollSize(), properties.getChan0Delay());
public IntegrationFlow pollingFlowChan1() {
return getChannelPoller(1, properties.getChan1PollSize(), properties.getChan1Delay());
I assume you use the latest Spring Boot, which have a TaskScheduler
auto-configured with one thread: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#features.spring-integration. That's the best guess why your tasks use the same thread.
See also answer here: Why does the SFTP Outbound Gateway not start working as soon as I start its Integration Flow?