I have a bash script where I make a request like
GET "/_cat/indices?h=docs.count&format=json" | jq `.[]."docs.count"`
for (( i=0; i<${#response[@]}; i++ ))
echo "${response[$i]}"
The result I get is like the following:
I would like to summarize these ones into one big number but I only get some kind of fault since they are not numbers. I have tried several different solutions I have found when I google but I do not succed to convert to integers (numbers). My skills in bash are not that good. Does anyone have a solution for how I should do?
The IFS was something I found when I googled. Perhaps there is a better way to do it?
You can tell jq
to do the maths for you:
jq '[ .[].docs.count | tonumber ] | add'